
  • Achmad Fajaruddin Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Darussalam Gontor., Ponorogo, Indonesia. Author
  • Andika Rendra Bimantara Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Darussalam Gontor., Ponorogo, Indonesia. Author
  • Meichio Lesmana Lesmana Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Darussalam Gontor., Ponorogo, Indonesia. Author
  • Indra Sholeh Husni Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Darussalam Gontor., Ponorogo, Indonesia. Author
  • Siti Nurma Rosmitha Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Darussalam Gontor., Ponorogo, Indonesia. Author



Muslim-Friendly Tourism, Halal Restaurants, Halal Certification, Yogyakarta, Services Indicator


Tourism holds significant promise for Indonesia's economy, a fact recognized by the government. Recent attention in the tourism sector has centered on the advancement of Muslim-friendly tourism, an initiative supported by OIC nations, including Indonesia, due to its considerable potential. Consequently, the Ministry of Tourism has initiated the selection of regions as Muslim-friendly tourism hubs, with the Special Region of Yogyakarta being one such area. Despite this, Yogyakarta still lags behind in terms of service indicators, as highlighted in the IMTI. This study focuses on Sleman Regency, the most tourist-laden area in Yogyakarta province. The service indicators encompass aspects like Mosques, Hotels, Halal Restaurants, Airports, and Attractions, indicating the necessity for further development to bolster Muslim-friendly tourism in Yogyakarta, particularly within Sleman Regency. The research aims to scrutinize the evolution of tourist spots and the promotion of Muslim-friendly tourism in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, utilizing a qualitative methodology with a case study approach. Findings suggest that the full potential of Muslim-friendly tourism in Sleman Regency remains unrealized due to the local government's unclear perception of the concept. Consequently, there's a call for a shift towards community-based tourism, with a focus on tourist villages. Additionally, efforts are underway to intensify the halal certification process for all food and restaurant businesses, spearheaded by the government and LPPOM. It's also imperative for tourism managers in Sleman Regency to prioritize services, particularly in accommodation and ensuring the availability of halal dining options to cater to Muslim travelers.


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Interview with Mrs. Diah Merchant in the Alam Gamplong Studio Area

Interview with Mrs. Sarmini Traders in the Breksi Cliff area

Interview with Mr. Jumeri, Cooperation and Development Manager at LPPOM-MUI

Interviews with Mrs. Nyoman Rai Safitri Head of Human Resource Development and Tourism Business of the Sleman Regency Tourism Office

Interview with Mr. Budi Nurliawan, the manager of development at Breksi Cliff Tourism

Interview with Mr. Kus Endarto, Head of Market Analysis, Documentation, and Information Section Tourism at the Tourism Office of Sleman Regency



Conference Proceedings Volume


Halal Products, Services and Halal Management

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