
About the Conference Proceedings Series

iBAF2024 is an international academic platform where researchers worldwide can share and discuss their research findings in accounting, banking, finance, business, and economy. We welcome conceptual, empirical, papers, and case studies in English, Arabic and Malay languages. Our conference theme includes but are not limited to the following sub-themes:

Current Conference Proceedings Volume

Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): iBAF e-Proceeding

Theme: "Revolutionizing Islamic Finance, Accounting and Banking Through Artificial Intelligence (AI)"


Dr. Amalina Mursidi
Dr Suhaila Abdul Hamid
Prof Madya Dr. Norhaziah Nawai
Prof Madya Dr. Muhamad Azrin Nazri
Dr. Mohd Adha Ibrahim 

Published: 2024-11-27
Conference Dates: November 12 - November 13 2024
Online Conference

Accounting, Shariah Audit & Governance

Marketing, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Islamic Banking, Finance and Fintech

Halal Products, Services and Halal Management

Financial Economics and Social Finance

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