Online purchases, social media, Technology Acceptance Model, Muslim Consumers, TrustAbstract
This paper aims to investigate the factors influencing the intention of Muslim consumers to make online purchases using social media. The research adopts the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as its theoretical framework. The study examines the impact of Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Trust, and Security on the intention of Muslim consumers to purchase online through social media. The sample data was collected through an online questionnaire with a total of 227 respondents. The collected data was then analysed using SPSS version 28.0 to assess model fit and test the hypotheses. The findings indicate that PU, PEOU, and Trust have a positive and significant relationship with the intention of Muslim consumers to purchase online using social media. The study found that Security has no significant impact on the intention of Muslim consumers to make online purchases through social media. The results of the study can be practically useful for customers who want to improve their understanding of online shopping through social media. The findings can also help researchers and policymakers to improve their work. The study contributes by providing a clear explanation of the factors that influence the decision of Muslim consumers to engage in online purchases via social media. Lastly, the report includes recommendations and limitations to guide future researchers interested in exploring this topic further.
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