Educational intervention, financial literacy, financial education, Islamic financial literacy, Islamic finance educationAbstract
Both Islamic financial literacy, and financial literacy share common objective; to enhance the financial sustainability via financial education of all ages. Financial education and Islamic finance education admits the importance of interventions in various aspects to achieve such enhancement. In relation to various aspects of financial education intervention, this paper aims to discuss the comparison between financial educational interventions and Islamic finance educational interventions globally. Narrative review approach is adopted for this study. The results showed that there are a few distinctions between financial educational interventions and Islamic finance educational interventions, which indicates the gaps for future research. The differentiations include: the number of educational interventions, the varieties of educational interventions, the group segments of educational interventions, and the aggressiveness on the movement of the education. Therefore, it is recommended that various educational interventions are made accessible as a supplemental strategy for enhancing the instruction and learning of finance, and Islamic finance to meet the objective in financial literacy agenda worldwide.
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