
  • Noura Khamis Suwaif Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia Author
  • Osamah Hashem Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia Author



Digital Transformation, Supply Chain Management, Organizational Performance


The industrial and manufacturing sectors face several problems and challenges to maintain the supply chain with the same efficiency and accuracy of performance in the market. Companies operating in the UAE's manufacturing sector face inherited supply chain management problems. Despite researchers' increasing interest in digital transformation and its potential impact on organizational performance, there are still significant gaps in the literature when it comes to studying the impact of digital transformation on manufacturers from a supply chain management perspective. The majority of studies concentrate on the overall advantages of digital transformation or its effects on particular industries or jobs without thoroughly exploring the mediating role of supply chain management. Therefore, this study aims to identify the impact of digital transformation on the performance of manufacturers in the UAE and investigate the mediating role of supply chain management on this relationship. The study reviews the literature on these relationships to develop a conceptual framework. The review of past studies shows that digital transformation helps manufacturers to leverage advanced analytics and automation to optimize their supply chain operations, leading to reduced costs and increased efficiency which in turn improve their performance in the market. Furthermore, by adopting digital technologies, manufacturers can gain real-time insights into their supply chain operations, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to changing market demands. Ultimately, the combination of digital transformation and effective supply chain management is essential for manufacturers to meet customer expectations, improve profitability, and drive sustainable growth which all signs of significant organizational performance.


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