Digital Transformation. Zakat Management, Blockchain Technology, Bibliometric Review, Islamic FinanceAbstract
This bibliometric review investigates the digital transformation of zakat management through blockchain technology, highlighting its potential to enhance efficiency, transparency, and accountability within zakat institutions. The methodology employed export processes using databases like Scopus, focusing on citation, co-citation, and keyword analyses to identify trends, gaps, and future research directions, which were sorted and analyzed using the R Biblioshiny program. The findings reveal a total of 371 documents, predominantly journal articles (85.8%), underscoring a strong scholarly foundation in this area, with minimal reliance on conference papers. Key themes include blockchain, zakat, and Islamic finance, showing consistent thematic evolution. Core journals such as International Journal of Ethics and Systems and Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research contribute significantly, aligning with Bradford's Law classification. The study also identifies key contributors like Muneeza A and Hassan MK, whose work shapes the discourse around blockchain in Islamic finance. Conceptual analysis reveals interconnected themes such as fintech, sustainability, and digital finance, emphasizing a multidimensional discourse in the field. The thematic evolution highlights increasing interest in trust and governance, which are crucial for blockchain integration. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of current research, setting the stage for future exploration in enhancing zakat management practices through blockchain while addressing challenges like governance frameworks and standardization.
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